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The little bears in colour for the first time

Something's happening with polar bear family at the Tiergarten of the City of Nuremberg. About two weeks ago, mother Vera started to use the second compartment of her stable as well. She looked towards the door and scratched the sliding gate a few times. About one week ago, one of the zookeepers entered the building with her stable for the first time after the birth and fed Vera for the first time after a break of about ten weeks. Ever since, Vera is fed in her stable every other day. However, the zookeepers do not enter the rear compartment of the stable where the young bears lie. There still are only videos available from the cubs. However, for the first time since the birth the stable lighting was switched on for a few moments, there finally are videos in colour.

Even though it is still going to take a long time until the little polar bears will be shown to the public, the Tiergarten could already achieve a great success: With 35.538 visitors, the Tiergarten had almost 50 % more visitors in 2011 than in the same period in the year before. The beautiful wintery landscapes and sometimes dreamy weather obviously attracted a great number of people to the Tiergarten.