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Free view of the little bears

Slowly, the polar bear family at the Tiergarten of the City of Nuremberg gets moving. The little cubs already crawl on all fours and explore their box. Their mother frequently brings them back from their adventure trips and places the cubs close to her own body. By now the cubs have teethed their whole primary dentition except for the molars - i.e. the incisors and the canines - and their weight should by now have reached seven to eight kilograms. The zookeepers now enter the stable almost daily to feed Vera regularly. Vera reacts so relaxed that it was even possible to clean one of the boxes. The zookeepers were able to finally clear out the cobweb from the camera's lens inside the box with the cubs with a small brush. This significantly facilitates the video observation of the increasingly active cubs - and for the first time allows for usable recordings of the bear family for the visitors and all the interested visitors of the Tiergarten homepage.