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Polar bear cups are wide-awake and bright white


The polar bear cubs at the Tiergarten of the City of Nuremberg are becoming increasingly active every week. The two bears born on 2 December 2010 are rolling around on the floor of their birth cave just like two bright white fur balls.

Mother Vera meanwhile is watching her playing offspring totally relaxed. Should the cubs be too naughty, however, she briefly interferes and clarifies the situation. The two cubs cannot avoid a good and regular wash either. The white fur needs a lot of care.

The little bears should be about 50 centimetres long today. Since the zookeepers do not yet enter the enclosure, they assume that the cubs weigh about nine kilograms.

The amount of food which Vera is given regularly has risen to seven kilograms of meat, fish and vegetables. She can thus maintain sufficient energy reserves in order to provide milk for her cubs. Mother Vera reacts relaxed and curious to the zookeeper's visits. Meanwhile, the zookeepers are also "allowed" to take pictures of the bear offspring.