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Successful test fill - Dolphin lagoon is leak-proof


Construction work on the dolphin lagoon ist making progres. For the first time the large water basin was filled with water. This first test fill of the basin with its large underwater panorama window was successful. It consisted of testing the basin's leak proofness as well as the correct operation of the underwater suction unit.

A group from the diving school "Learn2dive" in Nuremberg made their first dive in the main basin of the lagoon on Saturday, 18 March 2011 at only 8°C. Equipped with dry suits and all relevant equipment, they tested the handling and functionality of the suction unit under water. This unit which includes a suction hose installed at the basin's edge works like an "underwater vacuum cleaner" and sucks larger dirt particles from the water. The floor and surface extraction units, however, cannot capture all dirt particles in the water, which means that the lagoon has to be cleaned with a water vacuum cleaner periodically in order to be kept clean.

During testing, the reinforcement of the selected hose showed to be too weak. Due to the high throughput of the pump, the hose collapsed shortly behind the contact surface. A stronger hose will be tested at the next opportunity. All work processes under water, such as connecting and disconnecting the hose, proved to be uncomplicated and well-prepared for the underwater tasks.

The diving group with their diving teacher Florian Weidhase was also impressed by the underwater scenery in the basin. Test fills are planned for all six new outside basins of the dolphin lagoon as well as for the basins inside the manatee house. The basins are to be tested for leak proofness. Furthermore, the underwater units are to be tested in those fills. Two small leaks were found during the first fill of the basin in the manatee house. Those were closed by grouting. The main basin for the dolphins, however, was leak-proof from the very first moment. The remaining four basins will be tested over the next few weeks.