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Animals from A-Z

Boa Constrictor

(engl: Boa constrictor)

At home everywhere

Whether they’re at sea level, or 1,000 meters high, in the rainforest or in the semi-desert, the Boa Constrictor, along with its many subspecies and local forms, inhabits so many diverse habitats. Their distribution ranges from Mexico to Argentina.

On the hunt

Boa Constrictors are not poisonous snakes. They strangle their prey, by wrapping their muscular body around them. Their prey is not crushed, but suffocated. Every time the prey exhales, the boa pulls a little tighter, which can take up to 16 minutes and is very exhausting for the snake.

Abgottschlange, Foto: Thomas Hahn
Abgottschlange, Foto: Thomas Hahn
Verbreitungsgebiet: Abgottschlange
Verbreitungsgebiet: Abgottschlange
Scientific Surname Boa constrictor
Order Araneae
Family Boidae
Size 2 - 4 m
Weight 60 kg
Reproduction gestation period: 6 month, 20-30 subadults
Distribution Mexico to Argentina
Habitat areas near the water with high humidity and dense bushes
Food small mammals, Birds
Livestock secured
Lifespan ca. 20 Jahre