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Animals from A-Z

European Beaver

(engl: European Beaver)

Builder of the animal kingdom

Beavers live in so-called residential castles. These self-built, dome-shaped dwellings are located in the immediate vicinity of water. To protect them against land predators, beavers build dams to ensure their entrances are always underwater.

Diving talent

Their front paws are gripping hands. They have webbed hind feet. Their flat tail serves as a driver, control and is used as an alarm signal on the water. Beavers can close their ears and nose while swimming and they can stay underwater for up to 15 minutes.

Europäischer Biber, Foto: Tom Burger
Europäischer Biber, Foto: Tom Burger
Scientific Surname Castor fiber
Order Rodents
Family Beaver
Size Head-till-trunk till 100 cm
Weight till 30 kg
Reproduction gestation period 100 days, 1-5 subadults
Distribution Eurasia
Habitat waters
Food aquatic plant, Shore plants, Bark, Corn, Beets
Livestock no longer endangered after resettlement projects