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Animals from A-Z

Peruvian Penguin

(engl: Peruvian Penguin)

Tailcoat carrier in "underwater flight" 

The flightless penguins waddling locomotion makes them look rather awkward on land. Underwater, however, the birds seem to literally "fly". While hunting prey they shoot through the water at speeds of up to 35 km/h.

Burrowing nesters 

These social animals live in large colonies. To protect themselves against the cold, they often huddle closely together and warm each other up. Peruvian Penguins nest in burrows. These are dug in the ground or in guano (bird dung). Sometimes washed up branches also act as shelter.

Humboldtpinguin, Foto: Tom Burger
Humboldtpinguin, Foto: Tom Burger
Verbreitungsgebiet: Humboldtpinguin
Verbreitungsgebiet: Humboldtpinguin
Scientific Surname Spheniscus humboldti
Order Penguins
Family Penguins
Size 65 cm
Weight 4,2 kg
Reproduction breeding period: 38-40 days, 2 eggs
Distribution Peru, Chile
Habitat coastal
Food Fish, Crabs, Squids
Livestock endangered
