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Animals from A-Z


(engl: Alpaca)

Alpacas have existed for around 5,000 years. It is thought they descend from the New World Camels, Guanako and Vikunja. The domestication of the species (breeding the animal to become a pet) began 5,000 years ago in South America. Today, alpacas are kept as pets all over the world. Unlike pets such as llamas, alpacas were originally kept to produce wool, rather than used for transportation.

Finest thread

In addition to cashmere and silk, alpaca wool is one of the finest natural fibers. In the Inca, an alpaca cloak was considered a sign of prosperity. To date, alpaca wool has not been used much in Europe. The constantly renewable wool has to be sheared regularly.

Alpaka, Foto: Tom Burger
Alpaka, Foto: Tom Burger
Verbreitungsgebiet: Alpaka
Verbreitungsgebiet: Alpaka
Scientific Surname Lama guanicoe f. pacos
Order Artiodactyla
Family Camelidae
Size shoulder height 80-100 cm
Weight male 70-85kg, female 55-67 kg
Reproduction gestation period ca. 355 days, 1 subadult
Distribution Andes
Habitat mountains
Food Grasses, Branches
Livestock secured


Kamele ohne Höcker

Der Tiergarten Nürnberg hat wieder Nachwuchs bei den Lama-Verwandten - den Alpakas - . Nach langer Pause in der Zucht dieser Haustiere kam am...

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