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Animals from A-Z

Pallas‘s Long-tongued Bat

(engl: Pallas‘s Long-tongued Bat)

Hummingbirds of the night

The flowers of certain plants have evolved over the years and their pollination has adapted specifically for these bats. This reciprocal species evolution is called co-evolution. The big bat flowers open at night and can be easily found by the animals as the sweet nectar oozes out of the plants.

Playing with light

Flowers are difficult to detect by echolocation. The bats search for their food by using their attraction to ultraviolet light. These flowers glow at night so they can be found by the colour-blind bats.

Blütenfledermaus, Foto: Helmut Mägdefrau
Blütenfledermaus, Foto: Helmut Mägdefrau
Verbreitungsgebiet: Bluetenfledermaus
Verbreitungsgebiet: Bluetenfledermaus
Scientific Surname Glossophaga soricina
Order Chiroptera
Family Phyllostomidae
Size till 6 cm, wingspan till 20 cm
Weight 8-12 g
Reproduction gestation period 110 days, 1-2 subadult
Distribution South America, Central America
Habitat rainforest, rainforest to cactus steppe
Food Fruits, flowers nectar, pollen, also insects
Livestock secured
Lifespan ca. 10 Jahre