Manatihaus am 5. Dezember geschlossen
Aus tiergärtnerischen Gründen bleibt das Manatihaus am Donnerstag, 5. Dezember, geschlossen. Ab Freitag hat es wieder wie gewohnt geöffnet.
Unlike other poison dart frogs, this species is only slightly toxic. The males have a characteristic persistent call, which allows them to defend territories and attract spawning females.
These poison dart frogs show a lot of care for their brood. The offspring is mainly cared for by the males who guard and irrigate the soil. In addition, they transport the newly hatched tadpoles to a suitable watering hole. The males piggyback the offspring (see photo).
Scientific Surname | Epipedobates anthonyi |
Order | Anura |
Family | Dendrobatidae |
Size | bis 2,5 cm |
Weight | bis 3 g |
Reproduction | 15-40 Eier |
Distribution | Ecuador |
Habitat | rainforest ground |
Food | Small insects , Spinnen, Milben |
Livestock | endangered |
Lifespan | ca. 3 Jahre |