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Animals from A-Z

Eastern Grey Kangaroo

(engl: Eastern Grey Kangaroo)

Long jump record holder

The Eastern Grey Kangaroo can jump up to 13.5 meters and two to three meters high. Elastic bands store most of the kinetic energy for their next jump. Eastern Grey Kangaroos are among the best jumpers in the animal kingdom.

Food fight

Kangaroos populate the bush of Australia in large numbers and mostly feed on grass. As a result, they compete with imported livestock and are therefore frequently hunted by farmers. Meanwhile, many marsupial species in Australia have already been eradicated.

Graues Riesenkänguru, Foto: Tom Burger
Graues Riesenkänguru, Foto: Tom Burger
Verbreitungsgebiet: Graues Riesenkänguru
Verbreitungsgebiet: Graues Riesenkänguru
Scientific Surname Macropus giganteus
Order Marsupials
Family Macropodiformes
Size Head till tunk 85-120 cm
Weight till 60 kg (male)
Reproduction gestation period 36 days
Distribution Tasmania, Southeast Australia
Habitat savannah, thin forests
Food Grasses, Leaves
Livestock not endangered