"Artenschutz für die Zukunft": neue Termine im Februar und März

Das Manatihaus bei Nacht erkunden, eine Seelöwen- und Delfinpräsentation erleben, Wissenswertes rund um aktuelle Artenschutzthemen erfahren und dabei...
Most of today's donkey breeds descended from the nubian wild ass. The breeding selection created during the long domestication of donkeys has resulted in many different breeds. Today, they are still often used as workhorses. Donkeys are clever animals. The phrase "stupid donkey" couldn’t be further from the truth!
If the father is a horse stallion and the mother is a donkey, their offspring are called hinnies. If the father is a donkey and the mother is a horse, their offspring are called mules. Hinnies are usually infertile.
Scientific Surname | Equus asinus f. domestica |
Order | Perissodactyla |
Family | Horses |
Size | headheight till 1,4 m |
Weight | 100-120 kg |
Reproduction | gestation period 13 month, 1 subadult |
Distribution | Africa |
Habitat | dry steppes |
Food | hay, straw, Herbs, leaves of thorn bushes |
Livestock | secured |