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Animals from A-Z

African Buffalo

(engl: African Buffalo)

Armed giants

The American Buffalo, a steppe subspecies lives in Nuremberg Zoo. They are the most famous and the largest subspecies, characterised by their huge horns. As forehead weapons, they use them to defend themselves against enemies and to fight rivals during mating season.

Body care - yes please!

In the wild, buffalos are often found accompanied by two bird species - the woodchuck and cattle egret. The latter also lives in the Nuremberg Zoo. These birds eat insects, ticks and other parasites from the buffalo’s skin.

Kaffernbüffel, Foto: Tom Burger
Kaffernbüffel, Foto: Tom Burger
Verbreitungsgebiet: Kaffernbüffel
Verbreitungsgebiet: Kaffernbüffel
Scientific Surname Syncerus caffer
Order Artiodactyla
Family Bovidae
Size male: till 1,7 m, female: till 1,3 m
Weight male: till 700 kg, female: till 400 kg
Reproduction gestation period 10,5month, meist 1 subadult
Distribution Africa
Habitat savannah
Food Grasses, Herbs, Leaves from trees and shrubs
Livestock endangered
