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Animals from A-Z


(engl: Rabbit)

Little hares?

There are nearly 100 breeds of rabbits. Rabbits are closely related to hares, but do not mate with them. Hares are never kept as pets. In contrast to hares, rabbits are born naked and blind and open their eyes after about a week. They are known to be nest dwellers.

Like the wild ones

Rabbits don’t tolerate heat well. Even wild rabbits go into their underground warrens during the heat of the day. Because they live in large colonies in the wild, rabbits only feel comfortable when they are kept together in groups of two or more.

Kaninchen, Foto: Tom Burger
Kaninchen, Foto: Tom Burger
Verbreitungsgebiet: Kaninchen
Verbreitungsgebiet: Kaninchen
Scientific Surname Oryctolagus cuniculus
Order Lagomorphs
Family Rabbits
Size wild animals till 50 cm, domestic animals till 80 cm
Weight wild animals till 3 kg, domestic animals till 8 kg
Reproduction gestation period 29-31 days, 3,7 subadult
Distribution Spain
Habitat dry and not too warm areas
Food Grasses, Leaves, Herbs, Branches
Livestock secured