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Animals from A-Z


(engl: Cormorant)

Diving suit from mother mature 

As a diving hunter, Cormorants are very well adapted to swimming underwater. Their strong legs with big webbed toes propel them through the water. Strong water-repellent feathers help them to dive and save their strength.

Hunting together 

Cormorants often hunt together. They also swim together in lines on the water and herd fish close to shore, where they are easier to catch. After fishing, the birds go ashore to dry off cormorant-style: They rest with their wings spread out in a raised position.

Kormoran, Foto: Helmut Mägdefrau
Kormoran, Foto: Helmut Mägdefrau
Verbreitungsgebiet: Kormoran
Verbreitungsgebiet: Kormoran
Scientific Surname Phalacrocorax carbo
Order Suliformes
Family Kormorans
Size 90 cm
Weight 3 kg
Reproduction breeding period: 26 days, 3-5 eggs
Distribution worldwide
Habitat coastal areas, waters
Food Fish
Livestock not endangered