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14° in Nuremburg

Animals from A-Z

Goitered Gazelle

(engl: Goitered Gazelle)

That's how you impress the ladies

The Persian subspecies, the Goiter Gazelle, lives in the Zoo. Only the males have horns. During mating season, the bucks are also recognised by their enlarged swollen throat. It helps them attract females and is an eponymous feature.

Not easy prey

In imminent danger, gazelles escape in large leaps. Often, they can even outrun other gazelles. The animals can reach speeds of up to 100 km/h while on the run.

Kropfgazelle, Foto: Tom Burger
Kropfgazelle, Foto: Tom Burger
Verbreitungsgebiet: Kropfgazelle
Verbreitungsgebiet: Kropfgazelle
Scientific Surname Gazella subgutturosa
Order Artiodactyla
Family Bovidae
Size 120 cm
Weight 45 kg
Reproduction gestation period 6 month, 1-2 subadults
Distribution Asia
Habitat dry steppe
Food Grasses, Herbs, Foliage
Livestock highly endangered
