Keine Vogelgrippe im Tiergarten: Häuser öffnen wieder

Im Tiergarten Nürnberg gibt es keinen Fall von Vogelgrippe: Das hat eine erneute Beprobung verschiedener Vogelarten ergeben. Das Wüstenhaus, das...
Geckos are truly climbing pros. Their toes have so-called adhesive lamellae, which are comprised of microscopic hair structures. With their help, geckos can reach even the finest surface irregularities and move, even on seemingly smooth surfaces, e.g. they can walk on glass.
Most geckos cannot close their eyes. They have immobile, transparent eyelids. These act as a protective layer to the eye and are shed during regular molting. The animals use their muscular tongues to clean their eyelids.
Scientific Surname | Phelsuma madagascariensis |
Order | Squamata |
Family | Geckos |
Size | 30 cm |
Weight | 50 g |
Reproduction | 12 times a year 2 eggs, after 60 days independent subadults hatch out |
Distribution | Madagascar |
Habitat | savannah forests |
Food | Insects, Nectar |
Livestock | regionally endangered |