"Artenschutz für die Zukunft": neue Termine im Februar und März

Das Manatihaus bei Nacht erkunden, eine Seelöwen- und Delfinpräsentation erleben, Wissenswertes rund um aktuelle Artenschutzthemen erfahren und dabei...
The Barbary Ape is the only european primate living in the wild. They are only found in Gibraltar, where they were introduced by humans. Their thick winter coat ensures Barbary Apes can withstand the cold. They can easily survive in low temperatures.
Unlike other monkey species Barbary Apes care intensely for their offspring. As a result, there is not much aggressive tension between the males. If a male is carrying a cub, they are much less likely to be attacked by another male.
Scientific Surname | Macaca sylvanus |
Order | Primates |
Family | Cercopithecidae |
Size | till 75 cm |
Weight | male: till 16 kg, female: till 11 kg |
Reproduction | gestation period 7 month |
Distribution | North Africa, Gibraltar |
Habitat | mountain forests |
Food | Omnivorous animal, Grass, Seeds, Invertebrates |
Livestock | endangered |
Finally a little baby mayotte maki was born at the Tiergarten Nürnberg on 20 April 2011. On 15 June 1999 the Tiergarten Nürnberg took one the group of...
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