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(engl: Grey Crowned Crane)

One heart and two crowns

The eye-catching feather headdress gave this elegant bird species their name. Crowned cranes are social birds that live in solid partnerships and care for clutches and offspring. They are the only cranes that not only build their nests on the ground, but also nest on bushes and low trees.


Crowned cranes have a special hunting method: they stomp with their feet as hard as possible to the ground. This startles insects and they’re caught from the air.

Östlicher Kronenkranich, Foto: Tom Burger
Östlicher Kronenkranich, Foto: Tom Burger
Verbreitungsgebiet: Östlicher Kronenkranich
Verbreitungsgebiet: Östlicher Kronenkranich
Scientific Surname Balearica regulorum gibbericeps
Order Gruiformes
Family Gruidae
Size 100 cm
Weight 3,5 kg
Reproduction breeding period: 30 days
Distribution East Africa
Habitat savannah, swamp areas , offene Graslandschaften in Wassernähe
Food Insects, Grasses, Fish, frogs
Livestock secured
Lifespan 35 Years