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Blue Crane

(engl: Blue Crane)

Bird with two faces 

The extended tertials resembles the train of a dress which gives them an elegant look. The feathers on the side of the head can be raised during mating season and when tensed. This "second face" is reminiscent of a cobra.

Dancing connects 

Crane pairs live monogamously and stay together throughout their lives. The strong company of the pair is reinforced by the typical crane dances. These can last for hours and encourage other cranes to join. This way, up to 60 pairs can dance simultaneously.

Paradieskranich, Foto: Tom Burger
Paradieskranich, Foto: Tom Burger
Verbreitungsgebiet: Paradieskranich
Verbreitungsgebiet: Paradieskranich
Scientific Surname Anthropoides paradisea
Order Gruiformes
Family Gruidae
Size 100 cm
Weight 5 kg
Reproduction breeding period: 30 days, 2 eggs
Distribution South Africa
Habitat dry areas, wetlands
Food Seeds, plant parts, snails, Insects, small vertebrates
Livestock endangered
Lifespan 30 Jahre