"Artenschutz für die Zukunft": neue Termine im Februar und März

Das Manatihaus bei Nacht erkunden, eine Seelöwen- und Delfinpräsentation erleben, Wissenswertes rund um aktuelle Artenschutzthemen erfahren und dabei...
Hunting and habitat loss has brought this species to the brink of extinction. The Visayan Spotted Deer is now only found in isolated areas of two islands in the Philippines as the deer has lost more than 95% of its habitat.
It is estimated that there are only a few hundred of these animals left, they are listed in the IUCN as critically endangered. To safeguard this species from extinction, breeding programs are in place and protected areas are being monitored.
Scientific Surname | Cervus mariannus alfredi |
Order | Artiodactyla |
Family | Deer |
Size | 65-80 cm |
Weight | till 45 kg |
Reproduction | gestation period 8 month, 1 subadult |
Distribution | Visayas-Islands (Philippines) |
Habitat | forest |
Food | Grasses, Leaves |
Livestock | highly endangered |
Am 23. April 2009 stellte Dr. Helmut Mägdefrau, Stellvertretender Direktor, den jüngsten Neuzugang im Tiergarten Nürnberg vor: Es handelt sich um eine...
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