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Animals from A-Z

Steller's Sea-eagle

(engl: Steller's Sea Eagle)

Petty theft 

This giant eagle cleverly uses its large, bright yellow-hooked beak to pick up food. Sometimes they threaten other sea eagles with their beak to steal their prey. 

The prey is clamped 

The giant eagles deadliest weapon are the long, sharp claws of their talons. Three of the four claws face forward and one backwards. When hunting, they grab their prey like a pair of pliers, so they can hold on to it.

Riesenseeadler, Foto: Tom Burger
Riesenseeadler, Foto: Tom Burger
Verbreitungsgebiet: Riesenseeadler
Verbreitungsgebiet: Riesenseeadler
Scientific Surname Haliaeetus pelagicus
Order Birds of prey
Family Accipitridae
Size till 110 cm
Weight male: 6 kg, female: 9 kg
Reproduction breeding period: 40 days, 1-3 eggs
Distribution East Asia , East Asia
Habitat coastal, rivers , Coasts, Rivers
Food Fish up to 4 kg, Birds, small mammals, Carrion , fisches till 4 kg, birds, small mammals, carrion
Livestock endangered