Keine Vogelgrippe im Tiergarten: Häuser öffnen wieder

Im Tiergarten Nürnberg gibt es keinen Fall von Vogelgrippe: Das hat eine erneute Beprobung verschiedener Vogelarten ergeben. Das Wüstenhaus, das...
The plumage is long, soft and loose. They are named after the red whisker mark under their eye. Red-whiskered Bulbuls are usually olive green, yellow or brown coloured, usually the genders of a species have the same colour.
Translated into human sounds, the chirping of the Red-whiskered Bulbuls sound something like that. Thanks to their loud vocalisations, you can usually hear the Red-whiskered Bulbuls before you see them. Red-whiskered Bulbuls are commonly kept as caged birds in Asia.
Scientific Surname | Pycnonotus jocosus |
Order | Passerines |
Family | Pycnonotidae |
Size | 18 - 20 cm |
Weight | 25 - 31 g |
Reproduction | breeding period: 12-14 days, 2-4 eggs |
Distribution | India, South East Asia , China |
Habitat | thin forests , Parks |
Food | Fruits, Nectar, Insects |
Livestock | secured |
Lifespan | ca. 15 Jahre |