Keine Vogelgrippe im Tiergarten: Häuser öffnen wieder

Im Tiergarten Nürnberg gibt es keinen Fall von Vogelgrippe: Das hat eine erneute Beprobung verschiedener Vogelarten ergeben. Das Wüstenhaus, das...
Bobak in burrows
The steppe marmot, also known as the bobak, lives in colonies of several families. The individual family groups have their own territories and their own structures. This is padded with hay and its corridors can be up to 100 meters long. Individual chambers are even up to 4 meters deep.
On guard station
The ejection mound in front of the building, up to 1 meter high and 20 meters wide, serves as a lookout point. Individual animals take a stand here and warn their conspecifics with whistles in the event of danger. The steppe marmot was and is hunted by humans because of its fur and meat.
Scientific Surname | Marmota bobak |
Order | Rodents |
Family | Sciuridae |
Size | 50 cm |
Weight | 4-9 kg |
Reproduction | gestation period 30-35 days, 4-5 subadults |
Habitat | grass steppes with lots of bushes |
Food | Herbs |
Livestock | not endangered |
Lifespan | 15 years |