Keine Vogelgrippe im Tiergarten: Häuser öffnen wieder

Im Tiergarten Nürnberg gibt es keinen Fall von Vogelgrippe: Das hat eine erneute Beprobung verschiedener Vogelarten ergeben. Das Wüstenhaus, das...
If this most famous duck species was not so common, that magnificent plumage of the mallard would probably receive much more attention. In both genders, their feathers change in late summer. From autumn, mallards "shine" in a new light.
Mallards can be found in a wide variety of habitats, feed on a variety of foods and are not shy with humans. These useful skills have no doubt contributed to their widespread populations.
Scientific Surname | Anas platyrhynchos |
Order | Geese Birds |
Family | Anatidae |
Size | ca. 60 cm |
Weight | ♂ ca. 1200 g, ♀ ca. 900 g |
Reproduction | 9-13 Eier, Brutdauer ca. 27 Tage |
Distribution | Northern Hemisphere |
Habitat | waters |
Food | plants , tierische Kost |
Livestock | secured |
Lifespan | ca. 10 Jahre |