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Animals from A-Z

Northern Bald Ibis

(engl: Northern Bald Ibis)

Threatened with extinction

The Northern Bald Ibis is only found in the wild in Morocco. Until the middle of the 17th century they were also native to Central Europe. However, hunting and habitat destruction led to the decline of the colonies. Resettlement projects, involving zoos, are designed to promote species conservation.

Good neighbours

The Northern Bald Ibis nests in colonies. The large nests on steep cliffs inland and on the coast are close together. Nevertheless, there are hardly any disputes. The parents feed next to the chicks of other birds.

Waldrapp, Foto: Tom Burger
Waldrapp, Foto: Tom Burger
Verbreitungsgebiet: Waldrapp
Verbreitungsgebiet: Waldrapp
Scientific Surname Geronticus eremita
Order Ciconiiformes
Family Threskiornithidae
Size 70 cm
Weight 1,5 kg
Reproduction breeding period: 26-28 days, 3-4 eggs
Distribution Morocco, Central Syria
Habitat dry areas, forest, rocks
Food Insects, small vertebrates, snails
Livestock highly endangered


Waldrappe in Spanien wurden ausgewildert

Für die Ende Dezember 2019 vom Tiergarten der Stadt Nürnberg nach Spanien in ein Auswilderungsprojekt abgegebenen vier jungen Waldrappe öffneten sich nun die Türen der Volieren. Wie Koordinator Miguel Quevedo Muñoz des „Proyecto Eremita“ mitteilte, fliegen die Vögel seit Samstag, 21. März 2020, in den Lüften über der andalusischen Atlantikküste.

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