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Animals from A-Z

White-naped Crane

(engl: White Naped Crane)

Powerful voice

Cranes have an unusually long trachea, which can measure up to 1.30m. In the area of ​​the sternum it is folded up several times. Thanks to this anatomical feature, the birds can be very loud. The blaring trumpet is used for communication and group cohesion.

Beak show

The type of beak indicates the habitat of each species. Cranes with long bills prefer moist locations. They can easily pick their prey out of the water. Short-billed species usually live in dry areas.

Weißnackenkranich, Foto: Thomas Hahn
Weißnackenkranich, Foto: Thomas Hahn
Verbreitungsgebiet: Weißnackenkranich
Verbreitungsgebiet: Weißnackenkranich
Scientific Surname Grus vipio
Order Crane Family
Family Gruidae
Size 130 cm
Weight 6,5 kg
Reproduction breeding period: 29 days, 3-5 eggs
Distribution NO-China, Northeast Mongolia
Habitat wetlands
Food vegetable and animal food, To raise young frogs, young birds and mice
Livestock endangered
