Mit der Ehrenamtskarte günstiger in den Tiergarten
Der Tiergarten Nürnberg gewährt den Trägerinnen und Trägern der Bayerischen Ehrenamtskarte ab sofort Vergünstigungen beim Eintritt. Dieses Angebot ist...
The predominantly diurnal Snowy Owl is perfectly adapted to its habitat. Their plumage effectively protects them against the cold, from their beak to their toes. To camouflage better when breeding, the females feathers are much thicker than that of the smaller male.
The rearing success of the Snowy Owls depends directly on the quantity of their main food source, lemmings. During good "lemming years" more owls breed. Each individual pair can raise up to twelve offspring.
Scientific Surname | Nyctea scandiaca |
Order | Owls |
Family | Owls |
Size | 60 cm |
Weight | male: 1,7 kg, female: 2,2 kg |
Reproduction | breeding period: 35 days, 3-5 eggs |
Distribution | Arctic, northern Hemisphere |
Habitat | tundra |
Food | lemmings, small mammals, Birds |
Livestock | secured |
Bei den Weißkopfseeadlern (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) schlüpften am 6. und 14. April 2010 zwei Jungvögel im Tiergarten der Stadt...
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