"Artenschutz für die Zukunft": neue Termine im Februar und März
Das Manatihaus bei Nacht erkunden, eine Seelöwen- und Delfinpräsentation erleben, Wissenswertes rund um aktuelle Artenschutzthemen erfahren und dabei...
The non-profit-making association "TransFair" was founded in 1992. The association's official name is "TransFair - Verein zur Förderung des Fairen Handels mit der "Dritten Welt" e.V." (TransFair – Association for the Promotion of Fair Trade with the 'Third World'), with headquarters in Cologne-Sülz, and it awards the international Fair Trade certificate.
Fair Trade supports disadvantaged producer families in Africa, Asia and Latin America in order to enable them to lead a dignified life through their own handiwork. Fair trade relations are intended to improve the living conditions of people in the countries of the South, to strengthen their interior economies, and in the long-term to reduce unfair economic structures. The Fair Trade stamp is mainly based on social criteria, but also takes into account environmental aspects.
Overall, according to the association's report, about 632 farmers' co-operatives and plantations comprising about 1.6 million farmers and workers in 58 countries benefit from Fair Trade under the Fair Trade sign.
In Germany, products marked with the Fair Trade label are sold in about 30,000 super markets, in smaller food shops, via mail order and in 800 One World Shops. According to TransFair, in 2007, products marked with the Fair Trade label had an overall turnover of 142 million euros.
The independent consumers' initiative "Verbraucher Initiative e.V." recommends TransFair. In order to improve the independence and efficiency of the monitoring of fair trade regulations, and to ensure that licensees comply with regulations, monitoring was taken on by FLO-CERT GmbH in January 2007.
When Fair Trade began, ecological criteria played only a subordinate role. Today, Fair Trade, in the sense of sustainable development of environmentally compatible production methods, is becoming increasingly important. In 2007, according to TransFair, 75 per cent of all Fair Trade products, such as coffee, tea, cocoa /chocolate, honey, bananas or wine, were also certified organic.
TransFair - Verein zur Förderung des Fairen Handels mit der "Dritten Welt" e.V.
Independent Consumers' Initiative "Verbraucher Initiative e.V."